
WrestleMania to coroczna gala Pay-Per-View organizowana w marcu b±d¼ kwietniu przez World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) (dawniej znane jako World Wrestling Federation). Jest uznawana za najwa¿niejsz± impreze w kalendarzu WWE. WrestleMania jest najwiêksz± i najd³u¿ej organizowan± gal± wrestlingow± na ¶wiecie. WrestleMania zwana jest równie¿ "The Grandaddy of Them All", "The Grandest Stage of Them All" i "The Showcase of the Immortals. Pierwsza gala odby³a siê w roku 1985, natomiast do tej pory zorganizowano 24 edycje tej imprezy. Najbli¿sza planowana to WrestleMania XXV, która odbêdzie siê 5 Kwietnia 2009 roku.

titleú[ WWE WrestleMania 25
³ genreú[ Wrestling
³ rel. dateú[ 04/06/09 formatú[ XViD
³ air dateú[ 04/05/09 sourceú[ HDTV 1080i
³ runtimeú[ 239 MiN 0 SEC bitrateú[ 1100kbps
³ filesizeú[ 734,210,048 resolu.ú[ 624x352
³ filesizeú[ 733,566,976 framesú[ 29.970
³ filesizeú[ 734,224,384 audioú[ 2ch 128kbps 48khz
³ rar countú[ 147x15MB (2100 MB) locationú[ Houston, TX USA

WWE Wrestlemania 25 PPV HDTV XviD-KYR

WWE WrestleMania 25 Matches

CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Shelton Benjamin
vs. MVP vs. Christian vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Finlay
-Money in the Bank Match Ladder Match-

Kid Rock performs songs!

25-Diva Battle Royal for the title of “Miss WrestleMania”

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat /
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper / Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka
-Gauntlet Match-

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy
-Extreme Rules Match-

Rey Mysterio vs. JBL
- Intercontinental Championship Match-

Edge vs. John Cena vs. Big Show
-Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship-

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
-Undefeated Streak Vs Mr. WrestleMania-

Triple H vs. Randy Orton
-WWE Championship Match-


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